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Heart of a Worshipper Dance Ministry

The call to dance became audible in my life at  a time I was struggling with my identity in this world of Christianity. At that time, married to a skillful musician and psalmist of the Lord, I found myself struggling as a young woman, saved and loving GOD, with no sense of who I was in the kingdom or what was my purpose.


Therefore I chose to hide behind the ministrel anointing of my husband and become complacent as his ministry support but all the while truly fighting on the inside to exist, never being spiritually satisified within. One day I attended a church service and the ministry of dance was introduced to me for the 1st time. I left that place with a sense of overwhelming joy, my heart and mind became consumed with the desire to worship the Lord through dance.


With no natural dance training, the Lord said unto me " Now, you shall enter into the classroom of the Holy Ghost". After much prayer and fasting, I began the journey to worship Him in the dance and have continued on ever since.




I believe the gift of dance should be used to glorify GOD, edify his people, and as a spritual weapon to trample over the enemy. Heart of a Worshipper Dance Ministry, was not built on the skill of man, but on the condition of your heart and my personal relationship  with God. Through dance I have gained greater intimacy, strength, peace and serenity. To worship Him means to love Him; and to love Him means to know Him.

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